On 07 November 2017 at the CCMA Head Office in Johannesburg – The Democratised Transport Logistics and Allied workers Union (DETAWU) and other Trade Unions in the Private Security Industry will be meeting with the captains of the industry for the second round of wage negotiations.
This follows the first round of negotiations which were compounded by the lacklustre approach and attitude adopted by the employers in attending to the demands of workers. The mind blaming games and shifting of goalpost tendencies will not assist in taking the process forward of transforming the sector.
Workers need concrete and significant proposals that demonstrate willingness and commitment that will go beyond the current rhetoric.
The employers were sent back to properly apply their minds and are expected to provide comprehensive feedback on the presented worker’s demands.
DETAWU still demands an end to a two-tier wage system where workers in some areas (Area 2 of the Sectoral Determination) get a lower rate of pay as compared to those in area 1. We need a national minimum wage for the private security sector. We demand a minimum wage of R 7500 per month. We will not support a percentage increase approach which does not take into cognisance the harsh realities confronting Security workers.
This should include the reduced working hours to eight hours per day without loss of pay, job security and equal job opportunities and rights for women and youth. The latter also includes the provision of a medical scheme because of the working conditions that these workers operate under.
We are resolute to do all that is possible to attain drastic improvement of worker’s benefits and wages in an industry that is most exploitative and underpaying. We once again urge employers to come prepared by presenting a reasonable offer that will bring us closer to a settlement.
Statement issued by the DETAWU’s General Secretary Vusi Ntshangase, 083 536 0547/011 338 9077/8