Detawu Press 22th June 2018


The official registration of the Private Security Sector National Bargaining Council sets an agenda for radical transformation of the industry with regards to compliance, wages and condition of employment.

DETAWU having been central to this progressive achievement is enthusiastically looking forward to participate in a process of bargaining and setting proper standards that will effectively regulate the sector.

We regard it as a further milestone for the preservation of collective bargaining in the industry which is being threatened and undermined by the intended draconian National Minimum Wage bill.

We firmly believe that the existence of the Industry Council will augment the efforts on eradicating exploitation of workers by unscrupulous employers who are bent to undermine relevant legislations given the minimum capacity of the Department of Labour and Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA).

The Security Industry is still riddled with unprecedented levels of non-compliance behaviours by unruly elements of some employers who are absolutely determined in undermining and dodging the laws. The latter continues to erode the hard fought and earned workers’ wages and benefits.

DETAWU issues a stern warning to those employers who continue with such exploitation tendencies that the time has come to comply or face the consequences of the behaviour.

In this regard, we call upon the Council leadership that will be constituted in earnest to prioritise the establishment of a fully functioning Compliance Department that is fully capacitated to effectively regulate the sector and vigorously drive the compliance and enforcement agenda.

We finally express our gratitude to the office of the Registrar for the unwavering support throughout this journey of the registration of Security Industry Council dating as far back as 2005/6.

Statement issued by the DETAWU’s General Secretary Vusi Ntshangase, 083 536 0547/011 338 9077/8