Detawu Press 17th August 2018


DETAWU is shocked and disgusted by the complete disregard of the Department of Labour (DOL) inspectors by the notorious owner of Paarl AC Rottweiler Security Services and calls for his immediate arrest.

Today, the 17th August 2018, the DOL went to conduct an inspection at the aforementioned company following complaints by our members about the infringements of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. These complaints relate to underpayment, late payment of salaries, non-payment of maternity leaves etc.

DETAWU lodged this compliant with the DOL as early as November 2017. Unfortunately, the DOL contributed to this crisis due to its dilatory role and at some point went to conduct the inspection alone without the union or its Shop Stewards being the complainant.

Today, our members and the Union National leadership including SAFTU Provincial leadership decided to hold a sit-in in the offices of the employer when the inspection was conducted to ensure that there is transparency and objectiveness on the inspection.

Following our statement on the assault of our Shop Steward by the owner of the Company in June, there were a number of engagements with the DOL which in all honesty culminated to today’s inspection.

When this inspection was due to be conducted today, the owner after indicating that he was going to attend to the inspectors of the DOL, fled the premises through the back door of the company offices.

This employer displayed a complete disregard and contempt of the DOL which by all means conducted himself as the law unto himself. As DETAWU, we strongly call for stunner and harsh actions which possibly could result to the employer being jailed and facing harsher penalties.

Worthy to be noted, is that this employer appears to be clearly and completely not subscribing to the Labour laws of this country as previously he had assaulted our Shop Steward. He is alleged to be pushing his pocket all the way to his intended direction as per his comments and actions.

Today following the abrupt run away by the owner of the company, we went to the Paarl Police Station to follow up on the criminal case that was opened against him for physical assault of our Shop Steward. Upon our enquiry of the docket, we were astonished by the lack of progress in that case and the fact that there was no detective assigned to investigate the case whilst already the matter was taken to court. In our view, this was nothing but an underhand tactic to sweep the case under the carpet by some officials of SAPS.

We thus call upon the law enforcement agencies including the SAPS to do the right thing by making sure that they comply with due processes which would lead to successful investigation and ultimately successful conviction of the perpetrator of a crime.

We shall leave no stone unturned to make sure that this case is taken to its logic conclusion. We have noted that in Western Cape SAPS it is not the first time such underhand tactics to be deployed.

This we shall closely monitor for justice to prevail not only to be seen being done.

Statement issued by Vusi Ntshangase DETAWU General Secretary.